About Us
Hello, and Welcome to the Professional Chimney Guild of America, also known as The PCGA. Thank you for visiting our site and taking the time to learn more about our members. Hopefully, I will answer some of your questions, and provide you with some useful information. It is my goal that you will find our website helpful and that you will become as confident in our members as I am. With that being said, I would also like to tell you, before anyone can become a member we take some time to get to know them. We want to feel comfortable that your experience with a PCGA member will be completely satisfactory, as well as a truly pleasant experience.
All members start with a 5-Star performance rating, and we strive for a 100% customer satisfaction Record. The PCGA takes an active role in maintaining a Pristine Record. However, if you see a company with a 4-Star rating, it does not necessarily reflect poorly on them or their services.
Also, let me say that there might be one or more good chimney people in your area (that are not PCGA members) that would also provide you with great service. There are many guilds around the country and there may be a chimney technician in your area from another chimney guild. It is my belief that all Professional Chimney guilds strive for quality service and the promotion of our industry in the most educated and positive light possible. Nor does it mean that every fine chimney company has a desire to be part of a Professional Chimney Guild.
However, it is my personal belief that for all Full-Time Chimney Companies there are a great many benefits in belonging to a Professional Guild. And from a client’s perspective, Guild members should be very competitive with any top quality service company, due to huge discounts on advertising costs as well as deep product discounts.
Also, we promote continuing education for all chimney sweeps, and we are partnered with the Allstar Chimney Academy; which provides the most pertinent training in the industry for progressive chimney companies.